§ 6.08.020. Application for franchise.  

Latest version.
  • Any person desiring an initial franchise must file an application with the city. A reasonable nonrefundable initial application fee as established by the city council resolution must accompany the initial franchise application to cover the city's reasonable costs associated with processing and reviewing the application, including, without limitation, costs of administrative review, financial, legal and technical evaluation of the applicant, consultants (including technical and legal experts and all costs incurred by such experts), notice and publication requirements with respect to the consideration of the application and document preparation expenses. In the event such costs exceed the application fee, the applicant must pay the difference to the city within thirty days following receipt of an itemized statement of such costs. In the event such costs are less than the application fee, the unused portion of the application fee will be refunded to the applicant.

(Ord. 985 § 4 (part), 2006.)