§ 19.10.080. Placement of buildings and structures.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    A building or structure shall not occupy any portion of the required yard except as specifically set forth in this title.


    The minimum distance between buildings used for human habitation and agricultural purposes shall not be less than fifty feet.


    Structures for the keeping of animals shall comply with all provisions of the law. All hives, pens, coops, corrals or other structures for the housing of beast, fowl or animal shall be located not less than one hundred fifty feet or more from the front property line: or ultimate right-of-way, watercourse or not less than one hundred feet from any interior property line.


    No portion of any building or accessory building or structure shall project into the front yard area except for architectural features and other items listed in Sections 19.36.050 through 19.36.150.


    A ground-mounted satellite dish antenna may extend into a rear yard; provided, that such antenna is not more than fifteen feet in height, and not less than three feet from any side or rear property line. A satellite dish antenna may also be mounted on a pole attached to the eave to the rear of the residence and shall not exceed fifteen feet in height. A satellite dish antenna less than one meter may also be eave mounted to the rear or side of a residence provided no part of such antenna may project above the ridgeline of the roof or be closer than three feet to any property line. In addition, a satellite dish antenna less than one meter in size may be roof-mounted, provided that no part of the dish may project above the ridgeline of the roof nor shall any portion of the dish be less than three feet to any property line boundary. Roof-mounted satellite dish antennas which project above the ridgeline and ground-mounted satellite dish antennas located in a side yard, or at heights greater than fifteen feet, may be permitted upon the granting of a conditional use permit. All satellite dish antennas shall incorporate a flat black, grey, earth-tone, or background color which blends with adjacent structures and land features, in addition to being of a corrosive resistant material. The antenna shall be erected in a secure, wind resistant manner, and shall conform to applicable city building code regulations.

(Ord. 858 § 3, 1996; Ord. 593 § 4, 1985: Ord. 590 § 4, 1985; Ord. 260 § 1 (part), 1974: prior code § 9401.3(d).)